Feast of Fools 2004 Followup

The Feast of Fools 2004 was a great success! Thank you all who attended, and especially to those who sent donations but were unable to attend. We hope you can come next year.

A great big thank you to the musicians, members of the Luminescent Orchestrii, who added their special brand of energy to the festivities.

The Auction of Holy Relics, as always, was a highlight of the Feast.
Here are the items that were on offer this year:

  • Salome's Scrapbook
  • The Canine Commandments
    I. Thy keeper of thy meat is thy master.
    Thou shalt have no other masters before thee.
    II. Thy pooping shall not exceed thy master's scooping.
    III. Thou shalt not piddle where thy pleaseth.
    IV. Thou shalt not biteth, nor barketh at the papyrus merchant.
    V. Thou shalt not make common cause with "bad dogs".
    VI. Thou shalt "heel".
    VII. Thou shalt not licketh thy private parts in public.
    VIII. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's stick.
    IX. Thou shalt not eat poop.
    X. I really mean it, thou shalt not eat poop!
  • The Cat Commandments, er, Commandment
    I. Thou shalt do as thy pleaseth.
  • Jesus' First Action Figures
    (David & Goliath, in the original box)
  • Jesus' First Easy-to-Read Book
    ("One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Jewish", by Rebbe Seuss)
  • Jesus' Bar Mitzvah Stylus
    (Inscription (in Hebrew): "Today I am a man.")
  • The Last Supper Seating Chart
  • The Holy Grail
  • The Big Gulp Holy Grail
  • The Holy Grail Supersize

After the auction, there was general revelry. Then all the Fools and guests gathered together in a circle, where Torbjorn taught them a line from a medieval song of joy and celebration. Everyone sang the song and danced around the circle. The musicians tuned themselves to Torbjorn's pitch and joined in. The evening closed with the Fools singing a hymn of healing for all gathered.

Mark your calendars now for the next Feast of Fools: April First, 2005.