three presentations only
Friday, December 14th, 7pm
Union Theological Seminary
Lampman Chapel
3041 Broadway at 121st Street
Saturday, December 15th, 7pm
John Street United Methodist Church
44 John Street in Lower Manhattan
Sunday, December 16th, 7pm
The Cathedral of Saint John the Divine
Saint James Chapel
1047 Amsterdam Avenue at 112th Street
$15 suggested donation
doors open 10 minutes prior to start
call 718 638 6037 for more information
or e-mail us

Fools Mass is set during the plague years, somewhere in medieval Europe.
A group of village idiots are forced to enact their own mass due to the
sudden death of their beloved pastor, an extraordinary man who had
given them shelter and trained them to sing. The piece is full of
buffoonery and comic audience participation, as well as choral singing
of sacred hymns and chants from the 8th through the 17th centuries,
producing a vigorous example of Sacred Theatre.
The piece is profiled in the new edition of the Encyclopedia of Religion.
Fools Mass was first presented in Grace Church Chantry in 1998.
In addition to New York City every December since then, Dzieci
has presented Fools Mass at festivals and theaters and churches
across the world, including the Parliament of World Religions
in Barcelona in 2004, and at the New York Clown Theatre
Festival in Williamsburg Brooklyn September 2006.
"Dzieci is a wonderful example of the spiritual intensity possible
when theatre engages the age-old mysteries of faith and
the human experience.We at the Cathedral found
the very stones of our monumental building
coming alive through their presence."
Canon Tom Miller
Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine