Spring-Summer 2010 |
- The High and the Low
- Working with Polarities
- Two-day Para-theatrical Intensive Workshop
- Saturday & Sunday, July 10th & 11th, 10am-4pm
- Workshop Fee: $180
- PSALM Salon
- Philadelphia, PA
- Makbet, Saturday April 10, 8pm
Fools Mass, Sunday April 11, 11am
Winter 2009-2010 |
- Dzieci Makbet
- Sunday, Feb. 28, 6:00pm
- The Yippie Museum Cafe
- 9 Bleecker Street, in The East Village
- $10 suggested donation
- Maraton
- Para-theatrical Workshop
- a 24-hour immersion in Dzieci's work
- 7am Saturday January 23rd to 7am Sunday January 24th
- Ripley-Grier Studios, 520 Eighth Avenue, New York City
- Ensemble Audition for Company Members
- Sunday, January 17th, Noon-3pm
- Ripley-Grier Studios, 520 Eighth Avenue
- Cracking Up
- a rare screening of Matt Mitler's 1994 cult film
- Friday, January 8, 8pm
- 92YTribeca, 200 Hudson Street
- admission $12
- click here for more info
- Dzieci is featured in the latest issue of Scene, the quarterly journal of the International Schools Theatre Association. Click here to download the journal. (pdf, 1.1mb)
- Fools Mass
Four Presentations:
Saturday, December 5th, 3pm
The Cathedral of Saint John the Divine
Saint James Chapel
1047 Amsterdam Avenue at 112th Street
Thursday, December 17th, 7:30pm
Union Theological Seminary
Lampman Chapel
3041 Broadway at 121st Street
Friday, December 18th, 7:30pm
The Old Stone House
336 Third Street (between 4th & 5th Avenues)
Park Slope, Brooklyn
Sunday, December 20th, 11am
The Cell Theatre Company
338 West 23rd Street at 8th Avenue
Fall 2009 |
- Dzieci Makbet
- The Old Stone House
Park Slope, Brooklyn
- Friday November 13th, 7:30pm (doors open @7)
- 336 Third Street, between 4th & 5th Avenues, Park Slope
- $15 suggested donation
- Para-Theatrical Workshop "I and Thou"
- Sunday, October 25, 11am-4pm
- Ripley-Grier Studios
- 520 8th Ave (@36th St), 10th floor
- $25~$50, pay what you can
- and dress to move
- Dzieci Makbet
- Thursday-Saturday, October 22-24, 7:30pm
- John Street Church
- 44 John Street, in Lower Manhattan
- $15 suggested donation
Yippie Cafe performances cancelled.
Dzieci Makbet
- Thursday, September 26, 7pm
- SUNY New Paltz
- $15 Suggested Donation
- Dzieci has been profiled in the Spring 2009 issue of Ecumenica, a journal of theatre and performance. Click here to read the article, which provides an excellent overview of our work.
Summer 2009 |
- Ancram Opera House
- Makbet - August 28th & 29th, 8pm
Cirkus Luna! - August 30th, 2pm
- New Brunswick Theological Seminary Retreat
- In its ongoing relationship with the New Brunswick Theological Seminary, Dzieci will be participating in a retreat with members of the seminary faculty August 26-27.
- Arts & Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE) Conference
- Dzieci is proud to present Fools Mass for the Religion & Theatre Focus Group of ATHE on Saturday, August 8th at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine.
- Dzieci Makbet
- Saturday, July 11, 8pm
- Saturday, August 15, 8pm
- Rockaway Artists Alliance, Studio 7
- Ft. Tilden, Queens
- $10 suggested donation
- Dzieci Makbet
- Wedneday, June 24, 7:30pm
- The Yippie Museum Cafe
- 9 Bleecker Street, in The East Village
- $10 suggested donation
- Dzieci Makbet
- Sunday, June 14, 3pm
- Summer Streets on Vanderbilt Avenue
- Brooklyn
- Free!
- Acting in the Moment: Precision & Chaos
- a four-week intensive
- Thursday evenings in June
Spring 2009 |
- Cirkus Luna! Benefit Celebration
- Saturday, May 30, 2pm
- Middle Collegiate Church
- 50 East Seventh Street (near 2nd Avenue)
- $20 admission
- Fools Mass at The Cell
- Wednesday, May 27, 8pm
- The Cell Theatre
- 338 West 23rd Street (between 8th & 9th Ave)
- Makbet in Prospect Park
- Thursday, May 21, 7pm
- Meadowport Arch, Prospect Park, Brooklyn
- (click here for a pdf poster)
- Para-Theatrical Workshop "In the Garden of Dionysus"
- Sunday, May 3, 11am-4pm
- Ripley-Grier Studios
- 520 8th Ave (@36th St), 10th floor
- $25~$50, pay what you can
- and dress to move
- Gypsy Makbet Party & Performance
- Saturday, April 24, 8:30-11:30pm
- Makbet begins at 9pm
- Ripley-Grier Studios
- 520 8th Ave (@36th St), 10th floor
- $20 Donation
- Fools Mass at La MaMa
- Thursday-Saturday, April 16-19, 8pm
- Sunday, April 20, 2:30pm
- 74A East Fourth Street, East Village
- Midnight Fools Mass at The Cell
- Saturday, April 11th, Midnight
- The Cell Theatre
- 338 West 23rd Street (between 8th & 9th Ave)
- Makbet at The Old Stone House, Brooklyn
- Friday March 13th, Saturday March 14th, 8pm
- Fifth Avenue, between 3rd and 4th Streets, Park Slope
- $10 Suggeted Donation.
Winter 2008-2009 |
- Maraton
- Para-theatrical Workshop
- a 24-hour immersion in Dzieci's work
- 7am Saturday January 24th to 7am Sunday January 25th
Ripley-Grier Studios, 520 Eighth Avenue, New York City
- Fools Mass
Two More Presentations:
Friday, January 16th, 7pm
Middle Collegiate Church
50 East Seventh Street (@ 2nd Ave)
Sunday, January 18th, 11am
The Cell Theatre
338 West 23rd Street (between 8th & 9th Ave)
- Fools Mass Tenth Anniversary
Five Presentations:
Thursday, December 18th, 7pm
Union Theological Seminary
Lampman Chapel
3041 Broadway at 121st Street
Friday, December 19th, 7pm
St. John St. Matthew Emmanuel Lutheran Church
283 Prospect Avenue (between 5th & 6th Avenue)
Park Slope, Brooklyn
Saturday, December 20th, 7pm
John Street United Methodist Church
44 John Street in Lower Manhattan
***Special Sunday Morning Mass***
Sunday, December 21st, 11am
The Cell Theatre Company
338 West 23rd Street (between 8th & 9th Avenue)
Sunday, December 21st, 7pm
The Cathedral of Saint John the Divine
Saint James Chapel
1047 Amsterdam Avenue at 112th Street
- Arts Festival at Saint John the Divine
- Saturday, December 6, 9:45am-10pm
- Fools appear at 11:10am.
- Click here for more infortmation.
Fall 2008 |
- Fools Mass
- Friday, November 21st, 7pm
- Second Presbyterian Church
- 6 West 96th Street (at Central Park West)
- $15 suggested donation
- reception and discussion afterwards
- Makbet Benefit
- Sunday, November 16th
- Happy Hour 5-6pm
- Performance 6pm Sharp
- The Back Room at The Lower East Side Toy Company
- 102 Norfolk Street (between Delancey & Rivington)
- $25 suggested donation
- Fools Mass
- Wednesday, October 29th, 6:20pm
- New Brunswick Theological Seminary
- New Brunswick, NJ
- $15 suggested donation
- Dzieci has been named the 2008-2009 Helen Studdiford Kleis Visiting Artist for New Brunswick Theological Seminary. (click here for a poster)
- Makbet at The Cell
- Thursday & Friday, October 16th & 17th, 8pm
The Cell Theatre
- 338 West 23rd Street (bet. 8th & 9th aves)
- part of Free Night of Theater
- (RSVP required for Thursday)
- Makbet at John Street
- Friday & Saturday, October 10th & 11th, 7pm
- John Street Church
- 44 John Street
- in Lower Manhattan
- $10 suggested donation
- New York Clown Theatre Festival
- Closing Cermonies
Dzieci's Fools lead the Clown Funeral Procession.
- from the Bedford L Station to the Brick Theater
- Williamsburg, Brooklyn
- Sunday, September 28, 6pm
- Via Negativa
- Paratheatrical Workshop
- Working on Eseence
- Sunday, September 21st, 2-6pm
- Ripley-Grier Studios, 520 8th Avenue, New York City
- $25~$50, pay what you can
- Makbet in the Rockaways
- Return Engagement!
- Saturday, September 20th, 8pm
- The Art Barn (sTudio 7 Gallery)
- Rockaway Center for the Arts, Fort Tilden, Queens
- $10 suggested donation
- Come for a swim with the cast afterwards!
- Cirkus Luna!
- Saturday, September 13th, 10:30AM
- Miilk 'N Cookies Playhouse (pdf brochure)
- Riverspace Theatre
- 119 Main Street
- Nyack, NY
- Tickets $7 to $12
Summer 2008 |
- Makbet in the Rockaways
- Satruday, July 19th, 8pm
- The Art Barn (sTudio 7 Gallery)
- Rockaway Center for the Arts, Fort Tilden, Queens
- $10 suggested donation
- Join us for an evening swim afterwards!
- Cirkus Luna!
- Saturday, July 12th, 12:30-1:30pm
- The Community Garden at Flatbush & Atlantic Avenues
- clowning and street theater at a North Flatbush Children's Event
- Makbet in the East Village
- Friday, June 13th, 8pm
- Friday, July 11th, 8pm
- 6th & B Garden
- 6th Street & Avenue B, Manhattan
- Free, but we will accept donations
- If it rains, there is a roof, but bring umbrellas just in case.
- Holy Fools
- Sunday, June 8th
Gobal Street Festival
First Presbyterian Church of Brooklyn
- 124 Henry Street in Brooklyn Heights
- Two Sets of Choral Music - 1:15pm and 2pm
Spring 2008 |
- Blood Will Have Blood
- Working with Shakespeare
- A Workshop, May 17th
- Makbet
- May 1, 5 & 7pm
May 2 & 3, 7pm - John Street Church
- in Lower Manhattan
- Feature Article
- Dzieci has been profiled in an article (480kb PDF) in the April 28th edition of The Linewaiter's Gazette, the bi-weekly publication of the Park Slope Food Coop.
- First Annual Cirkus Luna!
- Glorious Spekatakl for Benefit DZIECI!
- Sunday April Sixth, 2pm
- St. Jean Baptiste School
- 173 East 75th Street, NYC
- In Dzieci's ongoing investigation of ritual and ceremony, we invite you to take part in a meditation and healing service on Easter Sunday, March 23rd, from 10:00 to 11:00am, with refreshments to follow.
- Ripley/Grier Studios
- 520 8th Avenue @ 36th Street
- On the tenth floor
Dzieci welcomes all faiths and open hearts.
Donations are always appreciated.
- La MaMa Benefit: "The Heat is On"
- A Cabaret Extravaganza Featuring
- - Cirkus Luna!
- - Riverklomph: Lord of the Shmenge
- Monday March 3, 8pm
La MaMa Experimental Theatre Club
74A East Fourth Street
- Admission, $15 ($10 Students)
Winter 2007-2008 |
- Maraton
- Para-theatrical Workshop
- an all-night immersion in Dzieci's work
- 6pm Saturday January 26th to 6am Sunday January 27th
Ripley-Grier Studios, 520 Eighth Avenue, New York City
- Fools Mass
Three Presentations Only:
Friday, December 14th, 7pm
Union Theological Seminary
Lampman Chapel
3041 Broadway at 121st Street
Saturday, December 15th, 7pm
John Street United Methodist Church
44 John Street, between Nassau & Williams Streets
Sunday, December 16th, 7pm
The Cathedral of Saint John the Divine
Saint James Chapel
1047 Amsterdam Avenue at 112th Street
- Elves at the BSEC Winter Crafts Fair
- Brooklyn Society for Ethical Culture
53 Prospect Park West, Brooklyn
- Saturday, December 1, 12-2pm
- Winter Crafts Fair Flyer (1.2mb pdf file)
Fall 2007 |
- A Paratheatrical Workshop at The New School
- Theresa Lang Student Center
55 West 15th Street
- Wednesday, November 28, 6-8pm
in conjunction with the Lang College class "Religion & Theater"
- Dzieci/Makbet
- The Music Pagoda in Prospect Park
Park Slope, Brooklyn
- October 19, 20, 21, at 6pm
$5 Donation
- Ensemble Audition for Company Members
- Saturday, September 8, 9am-noon
- Ripley-Grier Studios
- 520 Eighth Avenue, 16th floor, New York City
- e-mail for more information
Spring 2007 |
- Global Arts Festival
- Dzieci's Fools will be performing on the steps of the First Presbyterian Church of Brooklyn at noon on Saturday June 2nd, as part of a Global Arts Festival being held at the church throughout the day. (124 Henry Street in Brooklyn Heights) Admission to the festival is $20 ($10 for children), but you can view us from the street without entering if you prefer.
- New York Downtown Clown Revue
- Dzieci is the featured act in this month's
New York Downtown Clown Monthly Revue
Monday, April 16, 8pm
at "Under St. Marks", 94 St. Mark's Place (1st/A)
$15 Admission
- Buy tickets in advance at SmartTix.
- The Second Annual Gypsy Wedding
- Sunday, April First, 4pm
St. Jean Baptiste School
173 East 75th Street, NYC
- Tenth Anniversary of Dzieci!
Winter 2006-2007 |
- Maraton
- Para-theatrical Workshop
- A 24-hour immersion in Dzieci's work
- Saturday January 27th to Sunday January 28th
- Fools Mass
Three Presentations Only:
Friday, December 15th, 7pm
Union Theological Seminary
Lampman Chapel
3041 Broadway at 121st Street
Saturday, December 16th, 7pm
Saint John's Lutheran Church
81 Christopher Street, between Bleecker St. & 7th Ave.
Sunday, December 17th, 7pm
The Cathedral of Saint John the Divine
Saint James Chapel
1047 Amsterdam Avenue at 112th Street
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