A Passion

Passion 2025 April 13 – 19
Full Schedule

Holy Wednesday a Photo Album

For Easter, 2012, Dzieci Theatre was invited to work with a small group of nuns at The Abbey of Regina Laudis in Bethlehem, CT to create a Passion for their Holy Week. The experience was life-changing for all involved, and inspired Dzieci to seek the essence of this sacred ritual. Beginning with the earliest translations of the liturgy, and relying heavily on the Aramaic Peshitta, the group has integrated Hebraic song and chant, and ritual elements of Judaism, and set their revision in the shadow of the Warsaw Ghetto.

The result is A Passion, a dramatic choral liturgy unbound.

Whether Christian or Jew or Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, or Zen,
A Passion appeals to the human spirit in everyone
and our essential desire for communion.

Notes On A Passion
A Commentary by Matt Mitler

Song Lyrics from A Passion

Below are some impressions, videos, and links to photo albums of past performances.

As actors read, sang, chanted, danced, ate, and drank, I experienced the story like never before:
as something simple yet profound, personal yet universal, mythic and beautiful.
Stage Buddy Review 2023

Any corps of actors that can cause a hush to fall upon its audience,
 such that the angel of silence is not just flying by but is still hovering,
 must, as they say, be doing something right.

Read the full review by John Osburn 2014

Theatre Troup Brings A Passion to Christ Church article by Rev. Diana Wilcox
“A Passion Comes to Rockaway” interview with Matt Mitler
A Personal Reflection by Rev. Daniel Meeter
From “A Journal of the Plague Years 2020″ by Matt Mitler

Co-Creating a Scene:
“Petras Denies”


Choreographing The Cross

A Passion 2021
Streamed live from Boughton Place

A photo album from Holy Tuesday ’19 by Troy Hahn
A Passion | Easter Vigil 2017 photos by Sancar Ayalp
Passion Easter Vigil ’16 – photos by Troy Hahn
Sparkill ’16 photos by Camille LaPlaca-post
A Passion Vigil 2019 photos by Will Dintenfass
A Passion 2020 on Zoom

When you presented A Passion at the Abbey of Regina Laudis in CT – I was there and deeply moved.
And then once again at the CAMBA Women’s Shelter – which added another level to your work.
And then, during these difficult days of COVID 19 – you offered it on line. 

Your presence and work touches my soul. I am so grateful.
~ Rev. Thomas Poth ~

I am silent, watchful and reverently exploding with gratitude for this holy work of art.
This is the Passion of everyone! Everyone lives and breathes such agony and betrayal
and passing from finite presence into Infinity!
Each of you and all of you were everyone.
I will never forget the depths of soul from which my ears and eyes received this gift.
Shalom! Deo Gratias! Euchariste! Thank you!
~ Sister Georgene Wilson, OSF ~

I’m 88 years old and was one of the first members of the Actors Studio and I’ve been to countless plays,
but I can’t remember the last time I saw a performance that moved me as much as your Passion.
~ Lenka Peterson, Bethlehem, CT ~

So glad that I came!  It was absolutely magnificent!
Thank you for bringing this gift to so many!

~ Fr. Michael Holleran ~

Worship with Dzieci at Christ Episcopal Church in Bloomfield & Glen Ridge, NJ today
was beyond words.
I was left speechless in the best possible way.
An amazing beginning to this Holy Week.

~ Rev. Robert Solon, Jr. ~

A beautiful, deeply moving and meaningful performance under the stars of Bushwick!
~ Dan Guarino, President, Rockaway Artists Alliance, Inc. ~

I have never experienced such an extraordinary portrayal of The Passion. Bravo!
~ Rev. Jean Shaw, Sacramento, CA ~

Any corps of actors that can cause a hush to fall upon its audience, such that the angel of silence
is not just flying by but is still hovering, must, as they say, be doing something right.
~ John Osburn, TheatreScene ~

The most soulful Passion rite I have experienced…this time, for the first time, I was moved to tears.
It was delightfully unassuming and powerful.
~Guissepe Manca~

This is the most amazing drama I’ve ever seen. Most authentic, most heart.
You’re inside it, you’re in the heart of it– you’re not portraying it.
‘Drama’ doesn’t do it justice, ‘theatre’ doesn’t do it justice… It’s real.

~ Tony Paterniti ~

You take the grace of the message of the Passion of Jesus beyond the walls of Christianity and into the realm of ALL.
~Sr. Georgene Wilson, OSF ~

  Thank you so much for your extraordinary work in “A Passion” last Friday. It was such a pleasure to welcome you back to Westover School  for the workshop and performance. Your presence was a blessing to the students and faculty, with songs that sanctified our spaces of learning, and messages that brought empathy and forgiveness to our hearts. It was inspiring to see how seamlessly Vicky (the audience participant) seemed to move within the context of the piece, and I know how much the experience of working with you all meant to her! Your generosity is extraordinary.
~ Marla Truini, Director of Drama, Westover School ~

Hi friends! I’m Vicky the ever so grateful Westover senior you welcomed into The Passion with very open arms.
I honestly cannot express how much this experience means to me.
All of you were so kind, loving, and supportive that I was completely overwhelmed. The workshop was amazing and I learned so much about just jumping in and putting your all into a character or emotion. Dzieci creates such a safe space that anyone can just feel free. The Passion was amazing to watch and be a part of and I am so thankful that you had the faith in me to throw me in. I felt so at ease and at home working with you all and that incredible feeling is something I can’t describe. Thank you so much for welcoming me into the family.
~ Vicky Graham, Student, Westover School ~

The performance of A Passion According to Matthew was beautifully conceived and performed.
~Jane Gignoux~

I found this Service to be the most moving experience I have ever had at West Park – or maybe even in any Church.
The symbolism of the passing of the white shawl-reminding us that we are all part of Jesus –
the “everyman” interpretation was so moving. I couldn’t keep my eyes dry.

~Jamie Covello~

I loved the Passion and the attentional work of the whole ensemble. I follow you folks and have
known/seen three of your pieces, much to my enrichment and my wish for a saner, happier, wiser and more life affirming world.
~Daniel Singer~

Last night was so beautiful that I felt we were at the Sermon on the Mount and there would be a miracle
of the feeding of the people from three fishes and a loaf of bread.
Thank you so much for such a beautiful experience and all that I have learned from your sharing.
~Teresita Cuadad ~

I was swept in immediately with the song of prayer as the company entered — that melody being forever etched in my mind
from youth. The evening had a feeling of intimacy and “tradition”…tradition not only in the sense of the story being told,
but that a group of people can stand in some light, in front of other people, in a small space in Brooklyn,
and create a shared emotional experience.
~Ted Shapiro~


A Passion – Easter Vigil

A Passion – Good Friday

A Passion – Holy Tuesday

A Passion Album 2013



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